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Our Seminars - CPD

At Ardenta, our service offering is unique in the Corporate Recovery / Insolvency sector because we also have considerable experience in carrying out debtor book recovery and business review in the construction and engineering industries and therefore appreciate what records have particular importance to an IP.
Not only do we secure the available electronic records, we also actively seek out company data that may either not have been declared, or may have recently been deleted, or even put outside the control of the company's officers. This may have important benefits to clients who are reviewing antecedent transactions, or just trying to assess the existence and recovery of physical company assets.
Unlike maybe other scenarios where you may have found that you go to find something on a backed up drive and you cannot physically access the information, we seek to ensure that the recovered data is "accessible" in a hierarchal layout and that any available bespoke software that the company held licensing for is copied across into the portable hard drive so that you can physically open the files.
You may also be interested potentially in our technical seminar on ‘Electronic Data Recovery and Impact on Asset Realisations’. This details the ever increasing importance of securing electronic data in our sector, especially as the prevalence of paper records is reducing and covers the following subject matters
  • Impact of technology
  • Importance of data preservation
  • Case Studies
  • How we safeguard records
  • Data Protection Act
  • Tips for IPs
  • Q&A
If you are interested in potentially seeing the seminar, which is useful for CPD if nothing else, we would be happy to present it at a suitable opportunity to suit your team and please feel free to contact us: 
Our Latest Seminar details:
Topic     : Electronic Data Recovery & the Impact
                on Asset Realisations in Corporate Recovery
Date      : Monday, 23rd May 2014
Time      : 9.00am to 11.00am
Venue   : Matisse meeting room
               Avanta Meeting Solutions, 18 King William's street
               London, EC4N 7BP
Download the flyer: 
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